5 Tips On Making The Most Of Your Retirement In Spain

One of the most appealing offerings Spain has is the quality of life. For many British expats, the thought of relaxing on a sunny, warm beach in a town or a village that offers a safe and laid back life entices them. Retirement in Spain means stunning beaches & countryside, year-round sunshine, and an even lower cost of living, especially when compared to the UK. This post-retirement fulfilling lifestyle that's on the offer attracts many Britons, as well as retirees from west European countries. There are more Brits living in Spain than people of any other European country.

It is estimated that there are about 761,000 residents from the UK. We have taken an in-depth look at important things to consider before making the move. Here are our 5 tips for retirement in Spain.

1. Consider the health care

Can you get the medical care you require? Before retiring to Spain, it is essential for you to plan for old age whilst you still may be fit and fine. Bear in mind, most of your insurance policies will not cover outside of the UK since it's no longer a part of the European Union. This means you'll have to consider any healthcare option you may need. About 60% of the hospitals are privately owned whilst the rest belongs to the Spanish National Health. However, here comes the good news - the number of doctors is 4.9 for every 1000 in comparison to the UK's low 2.8. In order to have free access to the healthcare system, it is necessary to pay for the social security system. Although it is well renowned, most expats choose private insurance to avoid the long queue time.

2. Managing finance

After sorting out the healthcare options, it is essential to make sure you are, in fact, in a decent financial situation before you immigrate. Studies have proven that the average person needs a pension of £600,000 to live a comfortable lifestyle. Of course, as an expat, you would have additional costs of medical insurance, which we have already discussed. There have been some changes in the exchange rate ever since Brexit, so it is better off to ensure you won't fall short.

Understanding many expats are retired, they still manage to make pennies in their spare time. For instance, a lot of Brits rent out their property as a holiday home whilst they're not available.

3. Lifestyle changes

Just like moving to any other country, the changes in lifestyle are to be expected. Along with the cheaper prices across the board when we are talking about living costs in Spain, there's also the change in lifestyle that will take a turn naturally when you move to Spain for retirement - which means you are more inclined to spend a lot less on a daily basis. What plays a big role in this? That's right, it's again the beautiful weather and a laid back and safe way of life. If you are thinking about things to do in the UK, you usually end up going shopping, cinema or any form of activity which typically ends up costing money. Contrary to this, living in Spain means you are more likely to go on a long walk, spending time in the sunshine, or spending evenings having barbeques instead of costly meals.

4. The cost of accommodation

If you decide to spend your retirement in Spain, then it goes without saying you will need a place to live - unless you have family or friends already set up there. Now, in Spain, it's not expensive whether you decide to purchase or rent. If you decide to live in the city centre, it's estimated to cost you almost half as much you would pay in the UK. If you're going to the village/town route, then the chances are they are much cheaper than you'd expect.

5. Do you need Spanish?

Yes, it is a legit disadvantage if you're not well versed in Spanish. If you are immigrating to a non-English speaking country where you don't know the language, then it can sure create problems. It's also quite a struggle when you are 60 and can't pick a language. Hence, it is best advised to consider having a language specialist by your side at least until you get the grasp. However, there are people who speak fluent English although it isn't the official language - usually the youngsters.

Need further advice about buying a property in Spain?

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